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Located in the San Francisco Bay Area
Serving California and beyond

Home/Entertainment Booking

Nada Lewis,

Accordion Lessons
& Classes

World Music CDs

Custom Soundtracks


Mail-in Order Form

Please send me __________ CDs of Nada Lewis -
Hot, Sweet & Wild  @ $15.00 each


CA residents add 8.25% sales tax


Shipping and handling $2.50 for one
plus 0.50 cents each additional CD




    Make check payable to Folkloric Productions. Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Mail to:

Folkloric Productions
P. O. Box 20112
El Sobrante, CA 94820
(510) 243-1122

Name _______________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________

City _____________________________ State______ Zip _________

Phone ______________________ Email _________________________

Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery

Email us: folkloric@value.net

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Copyright © Folkloric Productions, 1997, 2003.